Year: 2022
Materials: natural beeswax, wood, museum glass, Cor-ten steel
Dimensions: 59 x 59 x 205 cm
Photo: Studio Libertiny
According to anciet greek myth, Marsyas was an artist who was so skilled at playing his musical instrument that he was confident enough to challenge Apollo himself to a duel. The two performed i front of an audience who was to judge the winner of the contest. The spectacle started to turn into Marsyas’s favour which would have been a disaster for Apollo. The god therefore added singing to his instrumental performance for which the mortal had no match. As unfair as it may be, Marsyas lost and as punishment he was flayed alive. The new sculpture has been covered by a new skin “made by bee” as symbol of healing as well forgiveness. As humans, we all have ambitions, we all want to be better then we were yesterday. We want to improve life around us willing to pay the costs. The sculpture talks about ambition and consequences. Hence, the oil drum pedestal.